Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sorry I have taken so long to blog! I have been busy, busy, busy! As you can tell, it has been for a purpose, and I am SO glad I am just a couple assignments away from graduating! I just have a few things for my internship to do this afternoon, and then NO MORE SCHOOL!!!! At least for the time being. I may someday continue on to get an even higher education, but for now I am very content in raising my children and, maybe, working a bit.

Just a bit about the announcement above: Isn't it amazing! Carisa, Steven's 17 year old cousin, took our family pictures this year and then offered to design a graduation announcement for me. She ended up presenting me with four different options, and this is by far my favorite one! It is so fun and cute! And I do actually like this picture.

Well, I better go finish my homework so I actually get a diploma with this graduation ceremony! I promise another blog post in the not-too-distant future! :) And it will include cuter pictures than this, also!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What has been going on with us, and Zachary's new do

(Zachary and his mohawk! Till Grandma finished cutting it off! He really liked it, that is just his camera face right now.)

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted! I really didn't fall off the face of the earth or anything, just been busy busy busy!!!

Right after my last post, I had finals, then there was getting adjusted to summer days. Following that, we realized Steve was not working enough to justify staying in Rexburg so we moved home with the family the 1st of July. I don't know if I will be able to post any pictures for a bit, but I will look. I am using my mom's computer and there are not always pictures of my kids on this computer.

Since we moved to Pocatello, Steve has had more hours at work, and I have been subbing for a local daycare a bit. Actually, I got two days last week, I worked today, and I will work tomorrow, too, before heading out to Scottsdale, Arizona for the weekend! I feel like I haven't even stopped to breath since this month started!! I promise to post again soon!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zach's Answers About Me

(Zach got me to stick my tongue out with him.
He must have been eating chocolate!)

I got this from Kari's blog and thought I would see what Zach would say!

Ask your kids these questions about you and post their answers.

Zachary was 3 years 3 months old(nearly) when I asked him these. I tried to write out his answers as I heard them. I now think Zach is in a very egocentric stage with little compassion for his mother!

1. What is something mom always says to you? nothin'

2. What makes mom happy? nofin'

3. What makes mom sad? the sun

4. How does your mom make you laugh? just haha (makes laughing sounds)

5. What was your mom like as a child? then I was a child of God

6. How old is your mom? you're little guys

7. How tall is your mom? you're not tall guys

8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV? you like to watch your show

9. What does your mom do when you're not around? your class

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? me

11. What is your mom really good at? nufin'

12. What is your mom not very good at? preschool

13. What does your mom do for her job? nufin', she's little. Don't do anything.

14. What is your mom's favorite food? hamburgers

15. What makes you proud of your mom? this wall (pointing to one with pictures on it)

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Tigger show (we were watching Winnie the Pooh at the time)

17. What do you and your mom do together? nufin'

18. How are you and your mom the same? I'm little, you're little, Daddy's little and ZIna's little. We're ALL little!

19. How are you and your mom different? we're not.

20. How do you know your mom loves you? 'cause Zina's grabbing me.

21. What does your mom like most about your dad? Mom doesn't like Daddy. She's so sad.

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? to the grocery store.

Do you want to say anything else? I'm jumping really HIGH on the trampoline! (he started jumping on the couch)

Nothing like asking your little boy a bunch of questions about you to make you feel pretty down. According to Zach I am nothing, do nothing and like nothing. I am glad Zina is a bit too young to ask these questions about!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Zina, the computer girl

Zina loves the computer! When she is really grumpy, we get on youtube and play Celtic Woman, or, lately, Jeff Dunham and Peanut. She discovered she can push buttons and make things happen on the computer. Obviously driving her parents nuts. I can't get on the computer without her helping usually. The only reason I am able to right now is she has also discovered the TV and Zach turned on Disney Channel.

Some other things with Zina lately are that she is trying to get the rest of her teeth right now, she says "no" and "please" and "pigs"(her toes), and she is walking all over. I sent her to her grandma's just taking a few steps here and there, and came back to a little girl that walks across rooms with no problems.

Just one last picture. I know, three pictures of the same thing, and not even a face picture. Just ignore the messy desk and I will get some front pictures of her soon.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zachary's Valentine Stickers

Zach got some stickers for Valentine's Day from his Grandma Robinson. He was SO excited! He put ALL of them on him at one time. Look how proud he is! This first picture was actually last, but it is so cute I wanted it on top!

Zach in the midst of putting his stickers on himself. He also put them on me and every one and every thing he could get them on! We are still finding them stuck to odd places and things.

Some funny things about Zach right now are:
  • He asks "why" about everything.
  • He tries to tell "knock-knock" jokes, but they have no endings
  • He asks "what did you/he/she/me say" after about everything any one says, including himself sometimes
  • He is starting to spend more time and patience when he colors. When we go to a restaurant, he will keep busy coloring till the food comes. Once he didn't want to eat because he was TOO into coloring.

And don't pay attention to the date on the picture. I know it wasn't January when I took it, but at least the year is right!

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Mean Blogger Won't let me post pics

It refuses to load pictures! Blogger is being mean!!! I wanted to put up pictures of my children, whom I am missing and going to pick up today, but blogger just won't have it.
I know that I have been posting a lot lately. Must be all the free time not having my kids with me leaves me. That and missing them.
This post, in its HUGE font, is mainly to put a post between the top of the blog and my foot blog post. I thought people may prefer seeing pics of my babies over pics of my foot. Since Blogger won't let me load pics today, I just typed REALLY big.

Have a great day! And weekend. Post later.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Foot, one week later

Okay. Here is a warning if you don't want to look, they are pictures of my foot a week post-surgery minus the bandages. There is a little blood, some tape and bruising. I don't think they look too bad, but I put lots of space so you don't have to see them. The first picture you get to is just the bruising and tape on top, so pretty safe. And on there just for you, Tina. Thought you would like the bruise with your postings on getting hit by a car. It is a pretty good bruise.

Anyway, I finally unwrapped it today and thought I would share for those that want to see. I can step on it full if I want, and it doesn't really hurt. It is a little funny feeling but not bad. It looks great for a week later. I am really happy with how it is healing. I hope it gets even better sooner rather than later. I had this done now with the intention to start training for a 5K race as soon as possible. I am hoping to be able to enter one at the beginning of the summer and one at the end, or more if I can work that out. I want to improve my times between. This is my weight loss plan. Train for a 5K and throw in some pilates and yoga for good measure. I think that will help me get healthier, lose weight and take back my waistline. I want to be a healthy, active mother. I want to be able to do everything with my children, and I want more kids. I don't want to keep gaining weight and inches with each child. I am perfectly fine with gaining the weight and inches while pregnant, but before I am pregnant again I want to be in a better place physically. And after the next pregnancy, I want to lose that weight quickly and healthy. I want to resume my workouts and not miss a beat. I would love to bounce back as quickly as I did after Zina, but the bounce back place needs to be better.

Well, scroll down a bit if you want to see the pictures of my foot. I will put a bit of space between each, and there are five of them.

The bruising. I thought this picture showed the bruising nicely, for those who like to see the bruises.

A pretty bloody picture. The flash made it look worse.

A nearly full foot view.

A close up.

One last picture.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Little Cowboy!

Apparently having my babies with their grandmas gets me missing them and looking through old pictures. This is a favorite series of pictures of Zachary. He loves that hat, but it is dying. He played too hard with it. And that jacket, Steve and I call it his "Clark Kent" jacket. I just love the combo on my little guy.

(Sorry for the blurriness above--Zach doesn't hold still and I never use the correct setting.)

Such a cute little guy! Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Zachary Boy!

I am really in a blogging mood. These are some older pictures. I need to organize my newer ones and post them.
Zach at the park in October. I love watching him run. He is carrying his coat because he didn't think it was cold. He has such personality.
Zach is so proud of his piano skills. I can't play because if I sit up to the piano, he steals it! I am looking forward to putting him in lessons in a year or two. I need to find someone willing to teach him.

My little man! So handsome in his suit jacket, and that red tie! He loves his red ties! He looks so grown up here.

And here is a picture of Zach as a little, tiny baby. I loved holding him this way. I can still remember exactly how it felt to have him cuddled and fit right there. He was less than four months old there.
I am missing my Zachary boy, too. He has been at my parents place since Thursday when I had surgery on my foot. I am ok leaving him there, and I bet things will be even better when he comes back. My mom is working on getting him to poop on the potty, a feat I cannot even get close to succeeding at. Yesterday he told me when I called that he pooped and pee-ed on the potty, and he asked me if I did too. It is so cute! And he is so proud of himself! Maybe this time it will stick with him, and we can count him as potty trained! He loves to talk on the phone and tease his mommy. I love him and his big personality. I cannot imagine life without him!

My Beautiful Girl

Here are a few pictures of my baby girl! Taken November/December 2007.
Zina at her birthday party at Grandma Jackman's house. Don't you just love the chocolate face! And the pony tail. Oh, and I LOVE that smile! I am sure missing her right now. She is at Steve's parents house, and I am dealing with the weaning all alone.
Zina trying to reach the door. She can reach the door knob, but luckily she cannot turn it yet. She is such a busy girl.

I just love this picture. Zina trying to escape to the bathroom, her very favorite room in the house. She will follow any one to the bathroom, and if you shut the door on her she screams and bangs on the door. She is just so busy!
After I had surgery, the doctor put me on three medicines that should be safe for a nursing baby, but apparently all three together, or maybe just one of them, affected Zina. So, she kept getting sick. Her doctors said to just give her pedialyte or formula until I am off at least one of the medicines. Zina, of course, being the busy busy one track minded girl she is, could not give up the nursings. I decided to stall her for a day and see if maybe it was just some coincidence. She was not sick, so I let her nurse again the next day. A few hours later she was sick again. So, in an effort to make things easier on Zina and I, we sent her to Steve's mom. Zina has never stayed a night away, and she is used to having mommy or daddy with her all the time. I am afraid it could be quite an experience this week. But at least Zina will not be denied nursings with them right in front of her! We will pick her up Friday, and I will be so glad to have her back!

Wedding Reception Pictures

More pictures from my wedding. These are some of my favorite from those taken before the reception.
The photographers had me pretend to ask for money and my dad to empty his pockets. I really wished there had been something in them.
This was the BEST picture. If only we could have gotten the picture less than ten seconds after this. See how Travis is being shy? Well, as soon as the picture was taken and the other boys leaned back, Travis leaned in for the kiss. It was great! Too bad it didn't get taken. The boys are, from left to right: Travis, Kolton, R.Jay, Kelvin, Brad, Brandon and Greg.

Aren't these two fo the most handsome men you have ever seen? I personally think my hubby is quite sexy in this picture. And Kasey is not far behind him.

Tina throwing her hair back. Just trying to catch some boys. We had so much fun! And she looked absolutely lovely.

Of course, I had to post another kissy picture. I told the photographers I wanted kissing pictures, and they did a great job of it!
Okay, I'm going to go back to pictures of my babies for a while. You never know, maybe I will feel inspired to post some more wedding pictures soon!

Wedding Pictures

Misty told me she had not seen my wedding pictures, so I decided to post some. I will probably do another post of wedding pictures.
One of our favorites. In the shadows, under an arch. I absolutely love this one.
Holding our beautiful niece. Paige was just months old here. I love this picture.

Us with our grandparents, at least the ones at the temple. Pretty neat, huh.

Steve and the "Fab Five": the last picture we got all the guys together in. Joe, Dan, Steve, Scott and Trent.

Just coming out of the temple. I loved my dress! I felt so beautiful.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Tag

1. Who is your valentine? My husband Steven.

2. What are two things you like about him/her? He is loving and sweet.

3. What is something kind s/he has done for you? He went to WalMart and searched for a magazine to entertain me for my surgery Thursday and today he walked me up to the testing center and made arrangements for me to take a test and still do what my doctor told me to do.

4. What is something kind you have done for him/her? I drove us from his parents to ours so his headache could go away (Monday morning).

5. Does he/she know what your favorite flower/candy is? Both my favorite flower and candy change. He probably doesn't know my favorite flower because they change. He says it is any flower from him, which is true. And as far as candy, I really like the Hershey Bliss ones, and he got me the Bliss with meltaway centers. Flowers would be better on my waistline, but I like the candy!

6. What makes your valentine extra special to you? He is the most caring, kind man. He is truly spoiling me right now with my needs.

7. People you want to tag? Anyone who will participate. Just let me know so I can see what you have to say about your Valentine!

The First Five

(Picture has nothing to do with post, just cute!)

The first five...

The first people to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me.However there are some limitations

1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make. (You are posting at your own risk trusting in my creativity....)

2. What I create will be just for you.

3. It will be done this year. (might take a while)

4. You have no clue what it is going to be, poetry, shoes, bags or a little invention of my own. I may bake something and mail it you . Who knows? Not you that's for sure!

5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange. It may blow your mind!

Here's the catch, if you choose to do this. You must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My babies, foot surgery and some plans

Okay, I guess I like that title. I have probably used it before.
This is a picture my sister in law, Tina, took for us back in November/early December. I love that both kids actually looked at the camera. I plan to print it as an 8X10, if it will look good that big, and put on my wall and send to the grandparents. You can see Zina's then 6 teeth, and Zach being so protective of his sister. I love pictures of my little ones.
I got a Facebook page and put up an outdated picture of me and the kids for my profile picture, and people keep thinking Zina is a boy. I need to put this picture up. There is no need to have people thinking she is a boy. THIS picture leaves no question.
I will probably post more this weekend since I am supposed to be laying down or sitting with my foot up. I had surgery this morning. About an hour, awake, having something removed from my foot. I was really worried about the being awake for the surgery, but it wasn't too bad. Steve bought me a parenting magazine and Dad let me borrow his Ipod. Actually, I didn't get to listen to all the music I wanted to. I decided to listen to all of Shane Jackman, but only got to about song 25 of 47. I need an ipod, then Dad could put his music on mine. Shane's music is so calming that it made it easy. I don't think I got anything out of the magazing, but it served its purpose. It kept my mind occupied and my eyes busy.
I might post a picture of my foot later. Don't worry, it is all bandaged up and doesn't look too bad. I will put a warning at the top of that post. I think it may have lost its numbness now, but I don't know. I can walk around just fine, even without a shoe on.
Sorry for that story. I should stick to pictures of my babies. I think I will post some more recent pictures of the kids, a couple sewing projects I am working and maybe the charm quilt, if I get it organized. I love discovering this creative side of me!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Zina is my little mirror. Zach was too, especially at this age. But Zina is ALL in, and Zach would just kinda do it.
This picture was taken a couple of days ago, when Zina was feeling pretty sick. Five minutes before this picture, I took a picture of her totally lounging on me and looking so sick. Then she saw my phone light up because I opened it, and she took it down to the floor to talk to someone. She will just make cute noises and tilt her head this way and that. Apparently I talk on the phone too much! She REALLY loves it when someone is actually talking back to her. I just love to watch her.
I haven't blogged lately cause I am busy with school and kids. I am taking 12 credits, broken into 5 classes. One is online, and I haven't started it. One is on research and evaluation, which is hard and boring to me, and it takes a lot of energy to even stay focused on that class. One is a nutrition class, based on mostly the science of food. and two of them are sewing classes, home decor and clothing construction. And then to add onto it, I joined in on a scrapdown. Look for pictures soon. A group of us exchanged scraps and we are making charm quilts. I am excited.

Well, that is about all the time I have. I need to take advantage of both of my babies being asleep to get some class work and house work done!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gone Too Long...birthdays and holidays missed

Well, I was going to post pictures, but I am not very technologically gifted and cannot seem to properly open a jump drive. So, you will just have to enjoy the descriptions and hope I can post pictures soon.
It has been more than a month since I posted, and I know I do not have the time or patience to type out everything. I will just give a bit of an overview.
I lasted posted on Zina's birthday, 12/14.
My birthday was 12/19. I am feeling old. Being 27 years old and not quite done with college is a bit sad. At least I can see an end. I will graduate December 2009! (It was going to be July, but I need a class not offered in the summer.) I had a pretty good birthday. School being out for the semester was good enough to make it a good day. My babies were good to me. My husband spoiled me by taking care of most of the housework and childcare for the day. All I really had to do was nurse Zina.
Then there was Christmas. That was a CRAZY day. We had planned to get up really early, do the Santa thing and gift exchange between family, and then head out to both of our parents' places. Well, we slept in. Zach and Zina are not yet equiped with built in alarm clocks on Christmas morning. So, we woke up about 8 or 8:30 and did a quick present opening. Then we loaded in the car, with some pumpkin chocolate chip bread for breakfast, and tried to head out of town. We had to shovel from our door, up the stairs and to our car to even get in. It snowed a TON. We have a tire with a slow leak, so we thought we would put air in it, just in case. That was a bad idea. The air hose was not out, and we stopped on a drift. Luckily, we have friends nearby that were willing and able (big truck) to come pull us out of our predicament. Our friends warned us the roads were bad, but I had called and there were no urgent warnings, so we headed out anyway. The highway and freeway were perfect to Pocatello. In town was nasty. The road out to Steve's parents was closed. So we thought we would just stay at my parents' place. We opened presents and stayed for dinner. Then Steve's Dad called to let us know Brad had gotten out of Rockland and the road wasn't that bad. We hurried and packed up the kids to hurry to Rockland before it got bad again. We arrived and opened more presents. My kids are going to have too much stuff!
There was a reason for our hurrying and racing weather. Zach's birthday was the next day, 12/26, and I don't want him confusing his birthday and Christmas. He did get to open Christmas presents on his birthday because Steve's brother, Dustin, and his family were snowed in till then. It worked out great, though, because we were able to do his birthday with cousins. Zach got new shoes and a game(Chutes and Ladders) from us, and a little train from Steve's parents on his birthday. We had already celebrated it with grandparents. Then, he got to play his game with his cousins, Paige and Kody, for a bit. Paige is 5 and knows the rules, but Kody is just three like Zach and they just play how they want. I got to be the referee.
On New Year's Eve I had a doctor's appointment for my broken foot, and we decided I need to have surgery. So, I get to have that done the Thursday before Valentine's Day. What a way to spend that weekend. He ways it will only put me up off my feet for a few days, but with two kids I don't know how that will work. I guess I will find out.
The reason I have not been able to blog all this is for a few reasons. We had the computer fixed, and it was out for three weeks, then school started and the internet at our place has been patchy. If you got through all that, WOW. I will post pictures when I get internet or figure out how to use my jump drive!