I have been following a story I saw on the Today Show for a while now, and today I read something about it that just touched me so deeply. I had to share with you my thoughts. In August, a couple were in a plane crash and were badly burned. The wife wrote a blog, the NieNie Dialogues, talking about the positive parts of motherhood and being a wife. Her sister writes a blog, c jane enjoy it, that now gives updates on her sister and husband. I encourage whoever reads my blog to check these two blogs out. See how positive they are and how wonderful it feels to read of uplifting things even through EXTREMELY tough times. Read the article c jane links to. Get the kleenex and be prepared to bawl. It is amazing to me. I want to be as positive as these two women are. I want to find the best in life and enjoy every minute of it. I want to find outfits to wear to impress my husband, even if we are just staying home. I want to find the words to write love letters to my husband, and the courage to post them for the world to see. I want to be able to give hope and laughter to those who stumble upon my blog. I want to cherish every moment with my babies. I hope you leave feeling this way, too.
3 days ago
My baby just woke up so I need to read these blogs later. But I'm currently reading a book by Jane Clayson Johnson called "I am a Mother" and it is reminding me never to say "I am just a mom" but to be excited about it and enjoy it. So I am so glad you enjoy motherhood too and the blessing that it is to be part of a family. And I am proud to announce to anyone who doesn't already know because of the two wigglers at my feet or in my arms that "I am a mother" and I'm proud of it. :)