Well, I was going to post pictures, but I am not very technologically gifted and cannot seem to properly open a jump drive. So, you will just have to enjoy the descriptions and hope I can post pictures soon.
It has been more than a month since I posted, and I know I do not have the time or patience to type out everything. I will just give a bit of an overview.
I lasted posted on Zina's birthday, 12/14.
My birthday was 12/19. I am feeling old. Being 27 years old and not quite done with college is a bit sad. At least I can see an end. I will graduate December 2009! (It was going to be July, but I need a class not offered in the summer.) I had a pretty good birthday. School being out for the semester was good enough to make it a good day. My babies were good to me. My husband spoiled me by taking care of most of the housework and childcare for the day. All I really had to do was nurse Zina.
Then there was Christmas. That was a CRAZY day. We had planned to get up really early, do the Santa thing and gift exchange between family, and then head out to both of our parents' places. Well, we slept in. Zach and Zina are not yet equiped with built in alarm clocks on Christmas morning. So, we woke up about 8 or 8:30 and did a quick present opening. Then we loaded in the car, with some pumpkin chocolate chip bread for breakfast, and tried to head out of town. We had to shovel from our door, up the stairs and to our car to even get in. It snowed a TON. We have a tire with a slow leak, so we thought we would put air in it, just in case. That was a bad idea. The air hose was not out, and we stopped on a drift. Luckily, we have friends nearby that were willing and able (big truck) to come pull us out of our predicament. Our friends warned us the roads were bad, but I had called and there were no urgent warnings, so we headed out anyway. The highway and freeway were perfect to Pocatello. In town was nasty. The road out to Steve's parents was closed. So we thought we would just stay at my parents' place. We opened presents and stayed for dinner. Then Steve's Dad called to let us know Brad had gotten out of Rockland and the road wasn't that bad. We hurried and packed up the kids to hurry to Rockland before it got bad again. We arrived and opened more presents. My kids are going to have too much stuff!
There was a reason for our hurrying and racing weather. Zach's birthday was the next day, 12/26, and I don't want him confusing his birthday and Christmas. He did get to open Christmas presents on his birthday because Steve's brother, Dustin, and his family were snowed in till then. It worked out great, though, because we were able to do his birthday with cousins. Zach got new shoes and a game(Chutes and Ladders) from us, and a little train from Steve's parents on his birthday. We had already celebrated it with grandparents. Then, he got to play his game with his cousins, Paige and Kody, for a bit. Paige is 5 and knows the rules, but Kody is just three like Zach and they just play how they want. I got to be the referee.
On New Year's Eve I had a doctor's appointment for my broken foot, and we decided I need to have surgery. So, I get to have that done the Thursday before Valentine's Day. What a way to spend that weekend. He ways it will only put me up off my feet for a few days, but with two kids I don't know how that will work. I guess I will find out.
The reason I have not been able to blog all this is for a few reasons. We had the computer fixed, and it was out for three weeks, then school started and the internet at our place has been patchy. If you got through all that, WOW. I will post pictures when I get internet or figure out how to use my jump drive!
Slow Start
1 week ago